We finally set up the back room to be our nursery, now all we need is a crib. We have an extra dresser we can use, except it is a very dark colour that I do not like. But it is all we have, so it will have to do. I guess instead of a white crib we should look at darker colours. I am not going to get a changing table because they are just to expensive and I can just use my bed, as I know a lot of people do. I need a lamp, and I am trying to decide what I want to put on the walls. I am going to throw together curtains for the window because I don’t want to use blinds. Just have to find the right fabric.
One very important thing I want is a chair to nurse in, this I will need before a crib as I have a bassinet we bought off craigslist in a package deal.
I know it is silly to want something like a glider chair when I could use my couch, bed or some other chair in the house to breast feed in, but I guess I just wanted something special. Mum, The Fox and I are going to yard sales this Saturday, so I will keep my eyes open.
There is still so much we need, and I don’t even know the half of it. I was hoping to have some help, I mean I thought that is why people have baby showers. But I screwed that one up. And I have trouble asking people for help. I feel like if I ask for help people will look at me like maybe I shouldn’t have gotten pregnant in the first place.
(note: look for pictures. Will be finished setting up soon.)
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