July 30, 2010
July 28, 2010
A Latch Problem
We were having problems, something wasn’t right. I just wasn’t getting Sofie latched correctly. It got bad, I was experiencing what I have read some women write about. Curling of the toes, crying every time she latching on, despair every time she is hungry.
I knew long before I Sofie ever entered my world that I would breast feed, and that I would never give any child of mine anything less than milk from my own body. I knew this could happen, and I knew I could get help. It is just so different experiencing it.
I had been to a La Leche League meeting on the 19th, only 9 days ago. So I knew I had help if I needed it. Dana came by yesterday, we talk about it, she watched as I breast fed, and we decided I needed to see a lactation consultant. So I called The Breastfeeding Center at the hospital and made an appointment to go in. So in we go, sit in a glider, and I feed my baby. The lady was very nice, she watched for a bit, and then had me try a few things, and we finally found the problem. I was going it half right, bring the baby to the breast. I was bringing the baby to my breast, just not all the way. It was so simple, and it fixed everything. I walked out of there so confident, so happy, I was doing great and I could feed my Bun.
I knew long before I Sofie ever entered my world that I would breast feed, and that I would never give any child of mine anything less than milk from my own body. I knew this could happen, and I knew I could get help. It is just so different experiencing it.
I had been to a La Leche League meeting on the 19th, only 9 days ago. So I knew I had help if I needed it. Dana came by yesterday, we talk about it, she watched as I breast fed, and we decided I needed to see a lactation consultant. So I called The Breastfeeding Center at the hospital and made an appointment to go in. So in we go, sit in a glider, and I feed my baby. The lady was very nice, she watched for a bit, and then had me try a few things, and we finally found the problem. I was going it half right, bring the baby to the breast. I was bringing the baby to my breast, just not all the way. It was so simple, and it fixed everything. I walked out of there so confident, so happy, I was doing great and I could feed my Bun.
July 27, 2010
Coming of My Milk
My milk came in.
My breast filled up with the life force for my child.
I will provide the very best, from my breast for my baby.
My body created this little person, and nourished her for the last 42 weeks,
I believe I can continue to nourish my baby from my body for the next 52 and then some.
July 26, 2010
Sofie Lilikoi Fox
Told and written by Dana Williams
Our wonderful Doula.
Born on July 23, 2010 at 2:02 pm
8 lbs, 11 oz. 22 inches long
Alex and Katie are the most wonderful, enchanting couple ever. Alex is always ever so protective, providing and loving to Katie; Katie adores every thing Alex is and does for her. This family is so special. Alex and Katie nick named the baby “the Bun,” first as the bun in the oven. Soon, the Bun was short for Bunny--a family character from Katieʼs grandmother in Hawaii. Sofie was born after a long, arduous wait and labor. Katie started having some prelabor contractions one week before she delivered. A visit to the midwife was planned. Katie and Bun had a non-stress test, which was normal. Katie was dilated at 1 cm and the exam started some pre-labor contractions that lasted all through the day on Friday, July 16th. Katie, being a week late, was excited that the Bun could be here soon.
However, Katie woke up Saturday to no contractions. It was a peaceful weekend.
Monday, Katie called me, her doula, to let me know that she was feeling a little crampy, had upset stomach all morning. Sounded like Katie was in pre-labor again. Katie lost her mucous plug after lunch sometime. Pre-labor was moving along. Tuesday Katie had another Midwife appointment. Katie had made little progress, was 2 cm dilated, 80% effaced, and was 41 weeks and 3 days along. Beth, the midwife, suggested a Foley catheter induction on Wednesday to help the cervix move along. Katie was ready to see the Bun and wanted the induction started Tuesday evening. Katie was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday night for her induction. Wednesday morningʼs exam revealed that the catheter had done little to help. Katie was dilated to 3 cm and still 80% effaced and only having some mild contractions. Beth suggested a slow Pitocin drip to help move the contractions along. The Pitocin was started around 3 pm on Wednesday and ran until 10 pm that night. Katie still showed little progress in labor, still only dilated to a 3. More induction options were presented for Thursday. Katie slept Wednesday night.
Thursday morning the Pitocin drip was re-started at 5 am. By 8:30 am, no more progress was made and Beth suggested breaking Katieʼs water. Katie called me to give me an update and ask questions. At this point, Katie, understanding the baby was very late, knew she would be restricted by time if her water was broken. Katie decided to have her water broken around noon and wanted me present. I was on my way to be with her for the remainder of her birth.
I arrived at the hospital to greet a happy, alert, bright Katie on 12 mcu/min of Pitocin. Katieʼs mother and two sisters, as well as Alex were present. Katie was in good spirits and handling contractions very well, talking and joking through each one, stating, “This is fun.” Beth came in to do a vaginal exam at 12:40. Katie was dilated to a 4 and 70% effaced; her bag of waters was broken. The Pitocin drip was increased again at 3 pm, forcing Katie to become more serious and focused during contractions. Alex was amazingly committed, talking to and holding Katie through each contraction. The Pitocin was increased again to 20 mcu/min at 4:30, the highest rate allowed. By 6:30, and after all of Katieʼs hard work, Katie had made almost no progress and was still only dilated to 4 cm. Katie arduously labored on, trying to rest in between hard contractions.
Katie found some relief in the bath tub at 9:30 that night, however, the induction had started to take its toll on Katie, tiring her immensely. Katie postponed any more vaginal checks for a while. By 10:30, Katie showed signs that she may be in late active labor and possibly in transition. Contractions were long and hard, lasting over a minute each and giving Katie little rest. Her body was shaking, she wanted to give up, but labored on, wanting to know if she made progress, but scared that she would not have, she denied checks again. She asked that the Pitocin drip be lowered; it was. Katie got out of the tub around 11:30 pm in time for Beth to check her progress again. Katie was only dilated to 5 cm after all of her hard work, was 80% effaced, and her cervix had moved forward.
Katie labored on for 4 more hours. She walked the halls with Alex and Dana to help herself progress and some time standing in her room. Dana suggested that Katie take a bathroom break around 3:45. At that point, Katie was in so much pain and distress that she could not even use the bathroom any more. It was painful. Katie said she couldnʼt even sit down. Dana helped her to the bed and Beth was called into the room. Beth checked Katie again and reported no more progress. Katie was so exhausted and something was halting her progress. Beth suggested something for Katieʼs pain--either narcotics or an epidural, explaining that if her body was tired and tense, that an epidural would allow it to relax. The epidural would also allow Katie to get some rest as well. Katie was so mental exhausted that her brain needed to rest too. Katie needed to take a mental and physical break from the labor. Katie was very worried about what Alex would think of her if she got the epidural. She asked him if he would be disappointed. He said of course he would not. Then Katie asked Dana what she thought. Dana told Katie that she had worked so hard for so long, that she needed a break, and that if Katie did not rest, and continued as she were, that she would not have enough strength left to push when the baby was ready to come. Dana left the couple alone to discuss their options and to decide what they wanted to do. Katie decided to get the epidural and Beth was called into the room at 5 am. The nurses began preparing Katie for the epidural. They gave her intravenous fluids and lowered her Pitocin. Alex and Dana left the room when the anesthesiologist came to place Katieʼs epidural around 5:50 am. The process took 15-20 minutes and Alex and Dana returned to find Katie sitting in bed and her legs getting numb. Katie says, “This feels funny, itʼs like touching someone else, I never knew how my legs were.” She was feeling much better already. Half an hour later Katieʼs nurse, Holly, wanted to do another vaginal check. Katie had not progressed any, but the check was used as a gauge for her progress from then on. Holly wanted to do a bit of cervical manipulation to encourage it to dilate, but Katie refused because she was only half numb and the checks were hurting. Holly was wonderfully patient and informative, telling Katie that sometimes the epidural has to seep out and down the nerves of the spine and that turning Katie over to the un-numb side would help the epidural spread. Beth was concerned about Katieʼs lengthy labor and wanted to start IV antibiotics. Katie okayed the medication and she also had a urinary catheter placed. Katie was then turned on her side and then she fell asleep--a sleep that she really needed--both mentally and physically. Alex was asleep before she was, knowing that she was getting rest. Katie got a good two hours of sleep.
Holly came in to check her at 8:40 am before Beth would arrive for morning rounds to discover that Katie had made progress in her labor while she was sleeping. Dana and Katie talked for a little while about Katieʼs choice for the epidural. Katie said she was relieved now, and comfortable with her decision. Now she had hope that she could on with the labor. Katie said she was very scared of every vaginal check because she was afraid that she wouldnʼt have made any progression. She realized that her fears had lead her to self-fulfilling prophecy. What she was most afraid of had happened. She was relieved that the epidural was working to relax her body and let it do what it needed to do and that she could finally rest. Katie went back to sleep. Beth came back it to check on Katie at 10:30 am. Katie had made more progress and was dilated to 8 cm. Things were going well and Beth planned on checking Katie again by noon. Katie slept more.
At noon, Beth checked Katie again. She was dilated to 9 cm with an anterior lip. It was time to do some practice pushes to help Katieʼs cervix open the rest of the way. Katieʼs little pushes, along with a little more Pitocin moved her along the rest of the way. Katie said she was “having fun” again. Katie was pushing with all of her might by 1:15 pm. Alex was on her right, and Dana was on her left, lifting her shoulders as she breathed and pushed with every contraction. Katie worked so well with her body, moving the baby down and out. At one point, after Baby had crowned, Katie reached down and felt of the babyʼs head--covered with hair. The joke continued, “Sheʼs got hair!!!” Katie and the Bun were doing fabulous!! After pushing for only 47 minutes, Sofie Lilikoi was born at 2:02 pm--with lots of dark hair! Mom and Sofie were absolutely beautiful. As Katie successfully nursed Sofie, she looked up and said, “I did it!!” and Dana said, “Yes, you did!!”
Thank you Dana, for being there and being our doula.
Told and written by Dana Williams
Our wonderful Doula.
Born on July 23, 2010 at 2:02 pm
8 lbs, 11 oz. 22 inches long
Alex and Katie are the most wonderful, enchanting couple ever. Alex is always ever so protective, providing and loving to Katie; Katie adores every thing Alex is and does for her. This family is so special. Alex and Katie nick named the baby “the Bun,” first as the bun in the oven. Soon, the Bun was short for Bunny--a family character from Katieʼs grandmother in Hawaii. Sofie was born after a long, arduous wait and labor. Katie started having some prelabor contractions one week before she delivered. A visit to the midwife was planned. Katie and Bun had a non-stress test, which was normal. Katie was dilated at 1 cm and the exam started some pre-labor contractions that lasted all through the day on Friday, July 16th. Katie, being a week late, was excited that the Bun could be here soon.
However, Katie woke up Saturday to no contractions. It was a peaceful weekend.
Monday, Katie called me, her doula, to let me know that she was feeling a little crampy, had upset stomach all morning. Sounded like Katie was in pre-labor again. Katie lost her mucous plug after lunch sometime. Pre-labor was moving along. Tuesday Katie had another Midwife appointment. Katie had made little progress, was 2 cm dilated, 80% effaced, and was 41 weeks and 3 days along. Beth, the midwife, suggested a Foley catheter induction on Wednesday to help the cervix move along. Katie was ready to see the Bun and wanted the induction started Tuesday evening. Katie was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday night for her induction. Wednesday morningʼs exam revealed that the catheter had done little to help. Katie was dilated to 3 cm and still 80% effaced and only having some mild contractions. Beth suggested a slow Pitocin drip to help move the contractions along. The Pitocin was started around 3 pm on Wednesday and ran until 10 pm that night. Katie still showed little progress in labor, still only dilated to a 3. More induction options were presented for Thursday. Katie slept Wednesday night.
Thursday morning the Pitocin drip was re-started at 5 am. By 8:30 am, no more progress was made and Beth suggested breaking Katieʼs water. Katie called me to give me an update and ask questions. At this point, Katie, understanding the baby was very late, knew she would be restricted by time if her water was broken. Katie decided to have her water broken around noon and wanted me present. I was on my way to be with her for the remainder of her birth.
I arrived at the hospital to greet a happy, alert, bright Katie on 12 mcu/min of Pitocin. Katieʼs mother and two sisters, as well as Alex were present. Katie was in good spirits and handling contractions very well, talking and joking through each one, stating, “This is fun.” Beth came in to do a vaginal exam at 12:40. Katie was dilated to a 4 and 70% effaced; her bag of waters was broken. The Pitocin drip was increased again at 3 pm, forcing Katie to become more serious and focused during contractions. Alex was amazingly committed, talking to and holding Katie through each contraction. The Pitocin was increased again to 20 mcu/min at 4:30, the highest rate allowed. By 6:30, and after all of Katieʼs hard work, Katie had made almost no progress and was still only dilated to 4 cm. Katie arduously labored on, trying to rest in between hard contractions.
Katie found some relief in the bath tub at 9:30 that night, however, the induction had started to take its toll on Katie, tiring her immensely. Katie postponed any more vaginal checks for a while. By 10:30, Katie showed signs that she may be in late active labor and possibly in transition. Contractions were long and hard, lasting over a minute each and giving Katie little rest. Her body was shaking, she wanted to give up, but labored on, wanting to know if she made progress, but scared that she would not have, she denied checks again. She asked that the Pitocin drip be lowered; it was. Katie got out of the tub around 11:30 pm in time for Beth to check her progress again. Katie was only dilated to 5 cm after all of her hard work, was 80% effaced, and her cervix had moved forward.
Katie labored on for 4 more hours. She walked the halls with Alex and Dana to help herself progress and some time standing in her room. Dana suggested that Katie take a bathroom break around 3:45. At that point, Katie was in so much pain and distress that she could not even use the bathroom any more. It was painful. Katie said she couldnʼt even sit down. Dana helped her to the bed and Beth was called into the room. Beth checked Katie again and reported no more progress. Katie was so exhausted and something was halting her progress. Beth suggested something for Katieʼs pain--either narcotics or an epidural, explaining that if her body was tired and tense, that an epidural would allow it to relax. The epidural would also allow Katie to get some rest as well. Katie was so mental exhausted that her brain needed to rest too. Katie needed to take a mental and physical break from the labor. Katie was very worried about what Alex would think of her if she got the epidural. She asked him if he would be disappointed. He said of course he would not. Then Katie asked Dana what she thought. Dana told Katie that she had worked so hard for so long, that she needed a break, and that if Katie did not rest, and continued as she were, that she would not have enough strength left to push when the baby was ready to come. Dana left the couple alone to discuss their options and to decide what they wanted to do. Katie decided to get the epidural and Beth was called into the room at 5 am. The nurses began preparing Katie for the epidural. They gave her intravenous fluids and lowered her Pitocin. Alex and Dana left the room when the anesthesiologist came to place Katieʼs epidural around 5:50 am. The process took 15-20 minutes and Alex and Dana returned to find Katie sitting in bed and her legs getting numb. Katie says, “This feels funny, itʼs like touching someone else, I never knew how my legs were.” She was feeling much better already. Half an hour later Katieʼs nurse, Holly, wanted to do another vaginal check. Katie had not progressed any, but the check was used as a gauge for her progress from then on. Holly wanted to do a bit of cervical manipulation to encourage it to dilate, but Katie refused because she was only half numb and the checks were hurting. Holly was wonderfully patient and informative, telling Katie that sometimes the epidural has to seep out and down the nerves of the spine and that turning Katie over to the un-numb side would help the epidural spread. Beth was concerned about Katieʼs lengthy labor and wanted to start IV antibiotics. Katie okayed the medication and she also had a urinary catheter placed. Katie was then turned on her side and then she fell asleep--a sleep that she really needed--both mentally and physically. Alex was asleep before she was, knowing that she was getting rest. Katie got a good two hours of sleep.
Holly came in to check her at 8:40 am before Beth would arrive for morning rounds to discover that Katie had made progress in her labor while she was sleeping. Dana and Katie talked for a little while about Katieʼs choice for the epidural. Katie said she was relieved now, and comfortable with her decision. Now she had hope that she could on with the labor. Katie said she was very scared of every vaginal check because she was afraid that she wouldnʼt have made any progression. She realized that her fears had lead her to self-fulfilling prophecy. What she was most afraid of had happened. She was relieved that the epidural was working to relax her body and let it do what it needed to do and that she could finally rest. Katie went back to sleep. Beth came back it to check on Katie at 10:30 am. Katie had made more progress and was dilated to 8 cm. Things were going well and Beth planned on checking Katie again by noon. Katie slept more.
At noon, Beth checked Katie again. She was dilated to 9 cm with an anterior lip. It was time to do some practice pushes to help Katieʼs cervix open the rest of the way. Katieʼs little pushes, along with a little more Pitocin moved her along the rest of the way. Katie said she was “having fun” again. Katie was pushing with all of her might by 1:15 pm. Alex was on her right, and Dana was on her left, lifting her shoulders as she breathed and pushed with every contraction. Katie worked so well with her body, moving the baby down and out. At one point, after Baby had crowned, Katie reached down and felt of the babyʼs head--covered with hair. The joke continued, “Sheʼs got hair!!!” Katie and the Bun were doing fabulous!! After pushing for only 47 minutes, Sofie Lilikoi was born at 2:02 pm--with lots of dark hair! Mom and Sofie were absolutely beautiful. As Katie successfully nursed Sofie, she looked up and said, “I did it!!” and Dana said, “Yes, you did!!”
Thank you Dana, for being there and being our doula.
July 25, 2010
Going Home
Today we brought our baby home. The Fox and I drove the two miles from the hospital to our little house; everything looked different, the whole drive home everything felt different. When we got home we sat in the car for a few minutes, then went inside to see how our whole world has changed. We really didn’t know what to do first. So we set the baby in her car seat on the couch and just sat in our rumpas room looking at our daughter.
Then I went and crawled into bed with Sofie (because I can’t stand to have her out of my sight), and Alex brought in the rest of the stuff from the car and put it away. He took a shower and joined us. We watched our Bun breathing a while longer, marveling at her beauty then we fell asleep.
Only to wake a few minutes later when Sofie made a noise, it’s going to be a long night.
Our pregnancy is over and our new life had just began.
Then I went and crawled into bed with Sofie (because I can’t stand to have her out of my sight), and Alex brought in the rest of the stuff from the car and put it away. He took a shower and joined us. We watched our Bun breathing a while longer, marveling at her beauty then we fell asleep.
Only to wake a few minutes later when Sofie made a noise, it’s going to be a long night.
Our pregnancy is over and our new life had just began.
July 23, 2010
Sofie Lilikoi Fox
I have a daughter. She is the most beautiful thing in the whole world. I would do everything all over again and again for her.
I had a good birth, not perfect, not by a long shot, but I am happy with it. I got my top wishes.
Healthy, happy baby!
Vaginal birth!
I made my own choices!
I did everything in my power to make it happen.
I got to use the tub.
I kept my cool, and stayed my own person, I did not lose it.
I got to breast feed my baby right away.
I will post the birth story when I can put enough time into it. I will also post pictures, which I have to get from peoples. Time to recover, and love on my baby!
Pictures coming soon!
I had a good birth, not perfect, not by a long shot, but I am happy with it. I got my top wishes.
Healthy, happy baby!
Vaginal birth!
I made my own choices!
I did everything in my power to make it happen.
I got to use the tub.
I kept my cool, and stayed my own person, I did not lose it.
I got to breast feed my baby right away.
I will post the birth story when I can put enough time into it. I will also post pictures, which I have to get from peoples. Time to recover, and love on my baby!
Pictures coming soon!
July 20, 2010
Fourteenth Pre-Natal Visit
I am sitting here at home after my pre-natal visit, writing this not sure how I feel about the choice we just made. I am 10 days overdue, but everything looks good and the Bun is healthy and fine. So I wonder why I made the choice to be induced.
Last night I finally had a moment where I could honestly say, “I am ready.”
I have loved being pregnant, I am sure I could stay pregnant as long as an elephant. Yes that is almost 2 years. But last night I just got really uncomfortable. I don’t know what it was, I have never had trouble sleeping, but I could not find a good position.
So tonight The Fox and I will pack out bags, say good bye to our home as we know it, knowing we will come back changed people and go to the hospital. I could wait a few more days, I have four days till I am over over due. I never thought it would happen this way. I never wanted it to be like this. Am I second guessing myself? If I am doubting, does that mean I am not making the right choice? Should I be going into this with doubt and fear in my heart and mind?
I trust my midwife more than ever, but will my body do what I know it can? Do I know? We are going to start tonight with a Cervical occluding double balloon catheter. That will slowly force my cervix to open, and possibly trigger labor. If labor does not start we will then try breast pumping. Then, well then we have two choices, pitocin and/or breaking my water.
Should I wait?
I guess we are going to do this, I am so glad I have The Fox, he will be with me the whole time. I am very nervous, and yet I can find myself glad I will meet my baby soon.
See you on the other side!
Last night I finally had a moment where I could honestly say, “I am ready.”
I have loved being pregnant, I am sure I could stay pregnant as long as an elephant. Yes that is almost 2 years. But last night I just got really uncomfortable. I don’t know what it was, I have never had trouble sleeping, but I could not find a good position.
So tonight The Fox and I will pack out bags, say good bye to our home as we know it, knowing we will come back changed people and go to the hospital. I could wait a few more days, I have four days till I am over over due. I never thought it would happen this way. I never wanted it to be like this. Am I second guessing myself? If I am doubting, does that mean I am not making the right choice? Should I be going into this with doubt and fear in my heart and mind?
I trust my midwife more than ever, but will my body do what I know it can? Do I know? We are going to start tonight with a Cervical occluding double balloon catheter. That will slowly force my cervix to open, and possibly trigger labor. If labor does not start we will then try breast pumping. Then, well then we have two choices, pitocin and/or breaking my water.
Should I wait?
I guess we are going to do this, I am so glad I have The Fox, he will be with me the whole time. I am very nervous, and yet I can find myself glad I will meet my baby soon.
See you on the other side!
July 16, 2010
Family Dinner
Baked spaghetti dinner. My man knows how to cook, I am so lucky. Somehow he can take a straightforward dish and turn it into something exceptional. I know my family loves to eat at our house.
I like to think of our little girl cooking in the kitchen with her daddy. The Fox is such a patience teacher. He never gets mad about the silly little things. When something seems like a simple thing to him, he never gets upset when I don’t get it because it is too complex for me. He will be such a wonderful father, and he has always been a wonderful husband and man.
Thirteenth Pre-Natal Visit
Did a NST (non-stress test) today. It was pretty neat, we could see the babies heart beat, and we also saw I was having some very mild contractions. Even though it was not her normal time, she did a lot of moving. Everything looks really good and healthy.
I am still at 1 cm, and 75% eff. Since every thing looks good there is no need to worry. My provider said we can keep watch, and decide what we want to do next week. I go in again Tuesday, then again either Thursday or Friday.
I must say I will be rather disappointed if I have to be induced. I have not had a “typical” pregnancy with all the symptoms and normal memories. I would like to at least have a nice memory of when I go into labor. Even if it is not pleasant, I would still like to remember something other than being induced. Is this selfish?
I am still at 1 cm, and 75% eff. Since every thing looks good there is no need to worry. My provider said we can keep watch, and decide what we want to do next week. I go in again Tuesday, then again either Thursday or Friday.
I must say I will be rather disappointed if I have to be induced. I have not had a “typical” pregnancy with all the symptoms and normal memories. I would like to at least have a nice memory of when I go into labor. Even if it is not pleasant, I would still like to remember something other than being induced. Is this selfish?
July 14, 2010
An Adjustment
Went to see my Mum’s boss today. He is a chiropractor, and he gave me an adjustment. Any other doctor I would never trust, but him I trust with my health. He is my “other people”, the person I go to for a second option. If he does not know the answer, then he knows where or who to go to.
The number one reason I trust him is that he goes to the root or source of a problem. No band-aids, no treating of just the symptoms. He spend the time to talk to you, to learn who you are. His personality is efficient and kind. He is not the type to stick to, “well we have always done it this way.”
Either way, the adjustment was great, it really helped to relieve some tension. It might help put me into labor or it might not. We are only 4 days over, very normal.
The number one reason I trust him is that he goes to the root or source of a problem. No band-aids, no treating of just the symptoms. He spend the time to talk to you, to learn who you are. His personality is efficient and kind. He is not the type to stick to, “well we have always done it this way.”
Either way, the adjustment was great, it really helped to relieve some tension. It might help put me into labor or it might not. We are only 4 days over, very normal.
July 11, 2010
A Visit to My Sisters Church.

I would have been so very disturbed if I had gone into labor there. Good thing I didn’t.
July 10, 2010
Making a Belly Cast
Today is the guess date, and I have a feeling she is not going to come today. That is fine, my sister and I were finally able to do the belly cast I wanted to do. It was really fun, I still need to add another two layers, sand it, and then add a belly cast finishing sealant called Gesso. I am thinking I will use it as a wall piece in the Bun Space, so maybe I will decorate it. I will post finished pictures after I am done.
July 9, 2010
Butt Side Up
We had an ultrasound today. They wanted to check and be sure Cinnabun was right side down. Or Butt side up. She is, everything looks good and all is well. I did not ask, nor did I want to know and I am glad they did not tell me the weight. So that will be a surprise. We are sure she is a she. They gave us some pictures, so I will post them. They are a bit hard to see and that is fine with me. We do not need to see her just yet, she will be here soon enough and then we can look at her all we want. I am really excited, I almost cannot wait to meet my little girl.
Fox Party
Today we celebrated The Foxes Birthday. I wanted it to be a good one as it will be hard to have a real party after this. With Cinnabun’s birthday going to be to close, his birthday will be over shadowed.
We did have a nice party, all the family came over, and we grilled and had pot luck. The Fox was happy, so I am happy.
July 7, 2010
Twelfth Pre-Natal Visit
We are 3 days away from the guess date. Heart beat sounds good, everything is well. We will go over the Birth Plan next week. That should be fun. I left it rather late, stupid move on my part. I did get it into the file last Friday, but it still has to go though the pediatrician. Hope they don’t give me a hard time, as some of the stuff on the Birth Plan they might not like.
We will see.
We will see.
July 3, 2010
Sweetness from the In-laws
The Fox and I went to lunch with his mother, sister, and niece today. Turns out they decided to throw a thoughtful modest baby shower with a couple of their friends. It was the sweetest thing. We went to Jason’s deli. The Fox and I had such a good time, I felt so special. I am lucky to have such a wonderful group of people for my in-laws.
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